I've been trying to plan for the kids' birthday but I've been preoccupied. I decided to buckle down today to make my lists.
Even though they share the same birthday, I believe they should each get their own cake and sung to separately. It gives them their own special moment and opportunity to be in the spotlight. I like to make cakes based on their favorite things. Last year, I made a cake for Mark based on the book 8 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Gosh, I recited that soooo many times, in the car, while they ate, changing diapers; it kinda became a song. For Maria I made a bus for her favorite song The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round. If I had a nickel for every time I sang that song, I'd be a rich woman. It was the only song that would calm them down if they were cranky. This year I will be making a train cake for him but they both LOVE their Choo-Choos. For her, I will be making an Elmo cake. Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's song, come on sing it with me now! I know you know the words. :o)