Friday, February 20, 2009

Mmmm, cake

I've been trying to plan for the kids' birthday but I've been preoccupied. I decided to buckle down today to make my lists. 
Even though they share the same birthday, I believe they should each get their own cake and sung to separately. It gives them their own special moment and opportunity to be in the spotlight. I like to make cakes based on their favorite things. Last year, I made a cake for Mark based on the book 8 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Gosh, I recited that soooo many times, in the car, while they ate, changing diapers; it kinda became a song. For Maria I made a bus for her favorite song The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round. If I had a nickel for every time I sang that song, I'd be a rich woman. It was the only song that would calm them down if they were cranky. This year I will be making a train cake for him but they both LOVE their Choo-Choos. For her, I will be making an Elmo cake. Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's song, come on sing it with me now! I know you know the words. :o)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Beside myself

I thought I was a strong person until something, something I can't control knocked me off my feet. I am beside myself with worry. I know that I worry too much by nature, but I can't shake this terrible feeling. My handsome boy who is soon to turn 2 needs surgery. He was born with a CCAM. It is a cyst within the lung. We found out about it at our 20 week ultrasound. We need to have it removed due to the possibility of it turning malignant years from now. They need to remove the entire lower right lobe which shocked me. I didn't realize how large the cyst has grown. The last report from March '08 (which we just received results from 2 months ago, that is aggravating in itself) indicated that it is 3 inches in diameter. So if you read this post, please say a prayer for my little one and for my family to keep us strong. I will be staying with him nightly and am scared to death of what I will see him go through. March 6 is the date, so I am keeping St. Gerard close to my heart.
Thank you.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I won!

Therese over at Softies Central is a big quote collector. So she decided to have a contest. All you had to do was leave a comment with one of your favorite quotes. Well, I thought it was a long shot. I've entered many contests and never win, but hey what's one more? There were over 60 participants that offered profound quotes from Oscar Wilde to Emily Dickinson. Here's what I wrote:
"When I was a little girl, my father and I loved watching PePe Le Pew mainly b/c of his adorable quotes. To this day (and I'm 35) my dad will send me a quote from time to time via e-mail. It brightens my day. So although these quotes aren't earth moving perhaps they will put a smile on your face. To get the full effect, you have to read it with a fake French accent. "You know, most men would get discouraged but now fortunately for you, I am not most men!" and "Where are you, my little object of art? I am here to collect you."
She wrote me an e-mail telling me that my quotes made her laugh and reminded her of when she used to watch tv with her dad when she was a kid.
So, what did I win?? Looky here:
I can wait to get it! Thanks Therese. :o)