Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Free Halloween Digital Kits and a rant too

Hello Ladies,
Life has been crazy lately. The bathroom renovation is still ongoing, but we do have a shower and sink so I really can't complain. Just the little details need to be done. DH was given notice last week. It's never an easy thing to hear but gosh during a renovation? Why couldn't we find this out before we spent all of this money? Then my poor peanut has been sick with "something." Dr. said it's an ear infection but it must have been a doozy. She's had a fever since Saturday. So there's been A LOT of worry, stress and lack of sleep.
OK, thanks for reading and on to the good stuff. I came across this free Halloween digi kit form Fugi. It's really quite awesome and I hope to use it for some Halloween cards. Anyway, I hope to post a few Halloween scrapbook pages later. I was able to go to a much needed girls night out scrapping last Friday. Those nights are really the only time I get to scrap. OK, ok, enuf yappin'. 


Dani said...

Awww, hugs! Sounds like your stressed to the max too! I'm sorry! :)

Ashley said...
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