I'm back from vacation. It was our first time away as a family. It was a lot of fun and challenging. Funny/cute stuff that happened:
~kids walking out of the bathroom with the long line of TP following them
~funky dancing in the full length mirrors
~squeezing inside the bottom shelf of the end table
~Maria kissing all of the display teddy bears at Boyd's Bear (I think it's the headquarters so there were a lot of bears)
I'm sure there's more. We had a great time despite some of the frustrations of the kids wanting to walk not holding hands and touching things they are not supposed to, but hey, they're babies.
I also got to visit 2 local scrapbook stores. Those local stores always have awesome paper. It was so very exciting. For the 2nd shop, Mark made me take Maria. Wise tactic on his part. He knew she wouldn't tolerate being in the stroller long. So, I certainly made every noise, sang songs, danced and played peek-a-boo to lengthen my stay. It worked out well, 30 dollars later.
Anyway, I can finally post the card I made for my summer sister since she received it in the mail yesterday. I just love Rockabella. I thought the paper was appropriate, not my typical style, but way cool for her.
Have a great day!!

This is way cool! I love it!
great card... love that background paper!
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